I’m Going to Wash that Thought Right Out of My Head

I wanted to share some thoughts from an article written by Sharon Jaynes from “Girlfriends in God”. Her article is applicable to life as we know it today. Jaynes writes of her husband who mutes certain television commercials which leaves her with the “jingle” in her head the rest of the evening. Though she teases him for doing so, he has the right idea.  We shouldn’t allow some things to enter our minds, especially when it comes to the enemy who tries to make us believe untruth.

She begins her article with truth from God’s Word.  “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of his dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12) 

We are in a spiritual battle for our minds and while we often think difficult people or irritating circumstances are the source of our problems, Paul tells us to look past the obvious and go to the root cause. He reminds us, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities, against the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  As long as we think our foe is a mere mortal, the enemy is sitting pretty.  But we know the enemy’s true identity, right?

This spiritual battle is described as a “struggle”.  It literally means “wrestling or hand-to-hand” combat.  In other places in the New Testament, Paul refers to the spiritual battle we face every day. He told Timothy to “fight the good fight of the faith”. (1 Timothy 6:12) He encourages Timothy to endure hardship as a “good soldier of Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 2:3)

Jesus won the victory over sin and death when He died on the cross and rose again. Satan was defeated.  However, until we leave this earth and the presence of sin, we continue to fight against the power of the enemy.

This warfare is nothing to fear. God has given us sufficient armor to combat the enemy’s schemes. We have the power of the Holy Spirit working in us, the power of Jesus shed blood over us, and the power of God’s Word under our feet.
We cannot act differently than we believe. That is why it is so important to hit the mute button and reject the lie as soon as it comes.

So the next time the enemy whispers a lie such as “you can’t do anything right, you’re a poor excuse of a Christian, or you don’t have what it takes”, hit the mute button.  Don’t let that jingle get stuck in your head.  You don’t want what the devil is selling. Its not worth listening to.

Sharon Jaynes has the right idea about the enemy and our plan of defense. It begins with hitting the mute button and not listening to the enemy’s lie. Don’t buy what he’s selling, it’s garbage. God would not have sent His Son to die on the cross, then forsake those He died for.  He longs for us to lean into Him when times are tough. That’s His promise.



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What Is a Healing Code?

There are four healing centers on the head and neck.  These healing centers appear to work like a hidden fuse box that when the correct switches are flipped on, will allow healing of almost anything.  They do this by removing the stress in the body that had switched them off, thus allowing the nuero-immune system to resume its job of healing whatever is wrong in the body.

When cells are showered with healthy energy by doing a Healing Code, the unhealthy energy is literally cancelled by the positive energy, similarly to the way noise cancellation headphones cancel harmful sound frequencies.

The Healing Code s system uses 12 pairs of Codes, an each pair addresses one of the 12 categories of core spiritual issues that affect everyone’s lives. By healing the underlying spiritual issues, the Codes heal the stress that causes most emotional and physical problems.

For more information on how you might benefit from the Healing Codes, contact our office  for more information.

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Compassionate Communication – More Than Words

Volumes have been written over the years on communication skills in how to play nice in the corporate sandbox for developing customer loyalty. But did you know many of these same techniques have evolved into “compassionate communication” skill sets?

Originally, compassionate communication was developed for building couple intimacy and for resolving conflict.  It has now found its way into hospitals and caregiving facilities, where doctors and nurses use it to improve their interactions with patients and colleagues.

What is “compassionate communication”? Surprisingly its more of an emphasis on listening than speaking.  A compassionate communicator is training the mind to remain focused when another is speaking. We’re hearing their words and noticing the non-verbal cues reflected in the voice, face and body language. Mark Waldman says, “deep listening also interrupts the inner speech that is constantly produced by the language centers of the brain. He says, “when we learn to step back and observe, a new type of silence is created. Thus, allowing us to give greater attention to what the other person is saying and bolsters our capacity to intuit what the other person is feeling, including subtle forms of honesty or deceptiveness that are reflected in the micro-expressions of the face.”

Compassionate Communication is more than using words to express our position. It is listening with a laser focus not only with the ears or the eyes but also with the brain. Using our brain to pick up the body language of truth, pain, sincerity and love while engaged in conversation. Its coming into the dialogue without a personal agenda or preconceived outcome. When we do this during the exchange, we tend to experience a deeper form of understanding.  I don’t know about you but I want to deepen the quality of communication with the people I love and care for, whether friend or work partner. We all need to be heard during an exchange. Really hearing what a spouse, a friend or co-worker is saying, even though at first I may not agree, can exhibit that I care what is being said and how I value the relationship.

Excerpts from “Words Can Change Your Brain”, by Mark Waldman and Andrew Newborn, MD, 2012



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What is the Purpose of Life

Rick Warren says people ask him, “What is the purpose of life?”  He responds, “In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in heaven. One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body, but not the end of me… This is the warm up act, the dress rehearsal.  God wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity.”

“We are made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn’t going to make any sense. Life is a series of problems – Either you are in one now, you’re just coming out of one, or you’re getting ready to go into another one. The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort; God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy. We can be reasonably be happy here on earth, but that’s not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness.”

Warren observes, “no matter how good things are in life, there  is always something bad that needs to be worked on. And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for…am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God’s purpose for my life?”

All life has ups and downs and some get stuck when there’s a bend in the road.  Healing Codes applied over time can lead to a life of happy moments when we praise God; difficult moments, when we seek God; quiet moments, when we worship God; painful moments, when we trust God; and every moment, when we thank God. Its a life with purpose.


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Healing Codes Allow a Brighter Perspective

  • Don’t let your worries get the best of you, remember Moses started out as a “basket case”.
  • Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to “dance in the rain”.
  • You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him.
  • The “average” person thinks they are better than the “average person”.

The Healing Codes use unseen energy to remove unknown and unseen things that may be causing harm to people. These unknown and unseen things we call “Pictures of the Heart”.  Healing Codes work because of established laws of nature from the field of quantum physics, laws that have been validated and accepted for at least 75 years. The Healing Codes allow us to heal the body in a way we have never done before because we are discovering new ways to use quantum physics.

In short, The Healing Codes activate a physical function built into the body by God that consistently and predictably removes the #1 cause of illness and disease to the body.  This is another key point to remember – God designed our bodies to be able to maintain optimal health!


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Choosing the Right Words to Communicate

world talk  Mark Waldman, author of Words Can Change Your Brain, has observed a dilemma in the way we communicate.  “Even though highly educated, we are unskilled when it comes to communicating with others. We often choose our words without thought , oblivious of the emotional effects they can have on others. We talk more than we need to but listen poorly.  He says, we fail to pay attention to the subtle meanings conveyed by facial expressions, body gestures, and the tone and cadence of our voice.” The non-verbals are elements of communication that are often more important than what we actually say.

These conversational shortcomings are not caused by poor education. Mark explains,  “…Poor communication is the result of an underdeveloped brain in areas that govern social awareness, empathy, and related language skills are not fully operational until we’re about thirty years old.”

Mark lists twelve strategies of a compassionate communicator.  “…. they are to relax, to stay present, to cultivate inner silence, to increase positivity, reflect on deepest values, access a pleasant memory, observe non-verbal cues, express appreciation, speak warmly, speak slowly, speak briefly, and listen deeply.

He stresses the compassionate communicator strategy can improve memory and cognition while lowering stress, anxiety, and irritability which we know undermine our conversations in a social setting.

After reading his words, I thought of how this could impact the work setting, friendships, the family unit, and intimacy in marriage.  Poor listening and speaking skills are one of the major causes of disputes and divorce. As we move forward in our high-paced world, we should also become more aware of the impact of our words in texting and in sending email.  What about those “words” we posts on social media about our day, our life,  our jobs? Each of the words chosen to form a thought can have a ripple affect that goes beyond the date on your Facebook wall or Tweet. Becoming a compassionate communicator not only changes a relationships in the moment but can also encourage others to become compassionate speakers and deep listeners too.

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Healing Codes and Stress

In 2010, Dr. Alex Loyd Services published material about stress and its affects on our daily lives.  Their findings say, “according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Stanford University, and numerous health experts, the number one killer on the planet is stress.”  While this is a huge statement, their statistics say up to 95% of all physical and nonphysical health problems have stress as the origin.  So,  if I have a health problem, I should be asking myself if it could be possibly caused by stress and how might I remove this from my life?  Loyd says the primary source of our stress is our limiting beliefs — its the lies we tell ourselves. They tend to lodge themselves in our hearts and control the way we see everything around us and we react to what we believe. The Healing Codes heal limiting beliefs in our heart and relieve the stress stored in our bodies.

What is a Healing Code?  The Healing Code is a form of energy healing that neutralizes the stress of past, present and future that is created by perceptions and held in the body and the energy field. The Healing Codes provide relief from the incidents that created the stress, whether spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical. These codes are effective for changing limiting beliefs, addictions, traumas, PTS, and other emotional and spiritual issues. As these destructive patterns heal, clients frequently tell us that their bodies are then able to heal themselves.

To find out more about Healing Codes and how they can help you relieve stress related illness, contact our offices for an appointment found on the Home Page.

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Made in The Image of God

When you look at yourself in a mirror, what do you see?  Do you see brokenness or wholeness?

I came across an article written by Alicia von Stamwitz, entitled “Eye of the Beholder”, that discusses self-image and acceptance. Her research recalls a comment by psychologist, Carl Jung. He wrote, ‘The acceptance of oneself is the essence of the whole moral problem and the epitome of a whole outlook on life. That I feed the hungry, that I forgive an insult, that I love my enemy in the name of Christ – all these are great virtues. What I do for the least of my brethren, that I do unto Christ. But what if I discover that the least among them all, the poorest of all the beggars, the most impudent of all the offenders, the very enemy himself – that these are within me and that I myself stand in need of the alms of my own kindness – that I myself am the enemy who must be loved…?’ 10917826_812385542168439_3938627509589978137_n

Alicia said, “… to deny or to reject any part of ourselves is to miss a meeting with Christ. She encourages us to look honestly at ourselves. Christ will teach us to love what is poor and helpless in ourselves.  We will find beauty and grace in the unexpected places. Looking at our image in the mirror, we recognize the perfectly lovely image of our perfectly loving God.”

Accepting our reflection in the mirror as God’s creation can change the way we think of ourselves.  If we have positive self-thoughts, we can also change our emotional and physical well being and live a more productive life flowing from the inside out.

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Self Esteem vs. Egotism

DISCLAIMER: I share what I learn about the mind and body connection related to stress, self-esteem and perfectionism. I’m not an expert in the medical field, biology, chemistry, or disease research. However, I’m an insatiable reader on what the experts say and share what twenty years of counseling has taught me.

Here is what I know to be true — Poor self-esteem affects how you feel. You can’t see it when you look in the mirror nor hear it when you talk about yourself. Self-esteem is not bragging about how great you are or thinking you’re perfect — because you’re not.
There is a difference between EGOTISM and SELF-ESTEEM. Egotism is all about “ME” – Narcissism – know anyone?

Self-esteem is quietly knowing that you’re okay and worthy of being accepted and respected. Its the ticket to making good choices about your mind and body. Without good self-esteem you hold back from relationships, friends and challenging experiences. An improved self-esteem leads to more accurate evaluation and acceptance of ourselves as well as others. True joy comes from a deeper inner perspective of balance. A person’s view of life determines how they live, not their circumstance. It’s what they see through their lens of life.

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Do You Know Your Calling…?

Gleaning through publications I ran across an article written by Diane Eble who also blogs about healing. She had recently read an article by Kevin Miller on ‘calling’ who defines calling as ‘the place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.’ Diane says her deep gladness has always been to help people to hear and express the song God put in them to sing. As a publishing coach, her joy was to help people express ‘the song’ God put in them. But most people didn’t know or realize they have a song because they hear too much static from the ‘heart’ issues.  In the depths of our hearts, each of us knows that we were made for something great. Like Diane, I believe we should heal the things that get in the way of our hearing and expressing our ‘song’.

Healing Codes help people heal from the things that cause them to ‘live lives of quiet desperation,’ so that they are able to first hear, then express, ‘the song that is in them.’ Though Scripture says over and over that spiritual reality is the source of physical reality, most people don’t really accept this.  Yet as Dr. Alex Loyd shows in his book, The Healing Code, the best scientific minds are now discovering that indeed, the unseen world is the source of what is seen.  He says our physical issues have a nonphysical root, the issue of the heart.  And unforgiveness is one of the key inhibitors to healing any issue, physical or emotional. In short, healing our heart issues can break way to a better life unbound and free. It then allows us to hear our ‘song’ or purpose for what we were intended and find ‘…that place where your deep gladness and the world’s hunger meet.’

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